Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A 'Sober' First Anniversary for Demon Alcohol and the Monstermen: A Sale, and an Appearance...

Big Doings!

As of Aug. 11, Demon Alcohol and the Monstermen turns 1!

The book is now on sale for $8.99.

I'm kicking off a new round of promotion as well.

FIRST, some details on the sale and promotion. (I'll post on the anniversary issue separately. It's quite a story and you'll want to take a breather before reading it, believe me.)

SALE DETAILS: My publisher (PublishAmerica, or, PrintAmerica as I [ahem] affectionately call them), has issued Demon Alcohol and the Monstermen for $8.99 as of July 2009.

The original $27.95 sale price was absurd to begin with. Further, their method of accounting for sales through the UK, where the dollar has taken a beating as of late, left me with little more than change for coffee when my first, uh, "royalty check" arrived.

Oh well, live and learn I suppose. Iconic TV mom Carol Brady once opined: "Poorer or wiser, which is more important?" Hmmm, I'll get back to you all on that one....

However, whether it's the summer heat, the anemic sales to date, or some other reason, you the reader benefit. Simply go to http://www.publishamerica.com/, search either by my name, or the title, and order the book, and you will get the reduced price.

For some reason, the online bookstores still have it at full price.

Details on the promo tour next....


Kenneth James Kirsch

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